How to Share Your Faith with Others
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Lets Talk About How to Share Your Faith with Others
One of the responsibilities of every Christian is to share your faith with others. This would include family, friends and strangers. Jesus gave us a command in Matthew 28:19-20. Where He basically said to spread the good news. This is known as the Great Commission. The Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 5:20 said that therefore, we are all ambassadors for Christ. We all have a area of influence where we can share our faith. Many Christian sometimes struggle on how to actually accomplish this assignment. The purpose of this lesson is to help you become more comfortable and to give you a better understanding on how to share your faith.
This is why we are here. It is important to know what the Great Commission is all about and why sharing our faith is key to spreading the gospel. By now, you should have a better understanding of the Great Commission, your assignment as an Ambassador for Christ, and also a better understanding about the important role that the Holy Spirit plays in salvation.
It is now the right time for you to look at ways on how you can put your faith into action. You will Never know in advance when an opportunity to share your faith may happen. It is always better to be prepared than not. You are one step away from picking up your cross and utilizing all that you have learned for the Glory of God. The following steps, bible study lessons, videos, sermons and links can help prepare you for your assignment. Here is an opportunity for you to review and listen to information provided by several experience soul winners that would like to share their experience on sharing their faith. Your assignment is listed below.
Here are some Steps in Sharing your faith
Sharing your Christian faith with others is a wonderful way to spread the love and hope found in Jesus Christ. Here are some practical steps to help you effectively share your faith:
1. Live a Godly Life:
- Be a living example: Demonstrate Christ’s love through your actions. Non-Christians often observe our behavior, so strive to live consistently with your beliefs.
- Show genuine care: Spend time with people, listen to their needs, and offer support. Actions often speak louder than words.
2. Pray for Opportunities:
- Pray for divine appointments: Ask God to bring people into your life who need to hear the gospel.
- Pray for boldness: Pray for courage to share your faith when the opportunity arises.
3. Be Prepared to Share the Gospel:
- Know the basics: Understand the core message of the gospel—God’s love, Jesus’ sacrifice, and the promise of eternal life.
- Be ready to explain: Be prepared to share how Christ has transformed your life. [pause medium] Your personal story about how Jesus changed your life resonate with others..
4. Use Conversational Openers:
- Ask questions: Start conversations by asking about their beliefs, experiences, or spiritual journey.
- Share your story: Explain how you encountered Jesus and what difference He has made in your life.
5. Be Creative and Relevant:
- Adapt to your audience: Tailor your approach based on the person’s background, interests, and needs.
- Use relatable examples: Use stories, analogies, and real-life situations to illustrate biblical truths.
6. Share the Gospel Message:
- God’s plan: Explain God’s plan for peace and eternal life through Jesus.
- Sin and salvation: Discuss sin, the need for forgiveness, and how Jesus’ death provides salvation.
- Invitation: Invite them to accept Jesus as their Savior.
7. Remember Your Purpose:
- Romans 10:13-14: “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?”
- Passion: Let your passion for Christ shine through. People notice authenticity.
Remember, sharing your faith is not about eloquence or having all the answers—it’s about pointing others to Jesus. Trust the Holy Spirit to guide you and step out in faith!
Bible Study Assignment
Our bible study lessons are simple with the purpose of helping fellow believers in recieving a better understanding about the bible. Many of our viewers are visual learners. This method helps us to present this information where everyone could understand better. These lessons can be done by one individual or they can be done by a group. Your assignment will be to:
1. Review one or more videos lesson on Sharing Your Faith.
2. Review one or more bible study video lessons.
3. Review one or more video sermons.
4. Read five or more bible verses for your understanding.
5. Review one or more Web resources on the Sharing Your Faith.
6. Review the questions about Faith in Action.
7. Please let us know your thoughts about this lesson. It can help us improve this lesson. Email us at tgcppresident@tgcpledge.org. Thanks
You can proceed to the video lessons on How to Share your faith
II. Video Lessons

I. How to Share Your Faith Video Lessons
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Video 4
Video 5
Video 6
2. Video Bible Studies On Sharing Your Faith
III. Bible Study On Sharing Your Faith
3. How to Share Your Faith Video Sermons
Sermon 7
Sermon 8
Sermon 9
4. Bible Verses on for Your Studies
NOTE: lightly touch the bible verses below to see the verses. If you click on them. Please click on the return button to return to our site.
Matthew 28:16-20 , Romans 1:12, Philippians 2:12-13, James 2:20-24, John 15:16 , 1 Peter 3:15, Mark 16:15-16, Colossians 4:6, Romans 1:16, Matthew 28:18-20, Matthew 5:16, Acts 1:8, Mark 16:15, John 3:17, John 3:16-20, Luke 24:46-49, 1 Corinthians 9:22, Isaiah 43:10, Acts 2:37-38, Romans 15:13 and 2 Corinthians 5:18-21.
5. How to Share Your Faith Resources
NOTE: Please click on the link below to review the links. Once you are finish click on the return button to return to our site.
6. Faith in Action
1. Have you completed all your assignments and do you feel pretty good and confident as a witness and as an Ambassador for Christ?
2. Are you ready to step out in faith and begin your greatest assignment in life?
3. Do you pray for and prepare yourself for opportunities to share your faith?
4. Are you ready to talk about Jesus?
4. How will you handle it, if someone says yes, no or I am not ready to being saved?
5. Did you memorize the prayer of Salvation: Romans 10:9-10 or do you have a prepared statement?
It you answer yes to all five questions, you are ready to proceed to your last assignment: Salvation
The Salvation and Eternity pages were prepared for your information only, but more importantly, it is prepared and addressed to those whom you are going to share your faith with and the message of Salvation.
This is the link on Salvation: http://www.tgcpledge.org/salvation/index.html
You can use this link two different ways:
1. You can either email, text or do a presentation with them using your cell phone, tablet or computer. Don’t forget to follow up with a personal phone call, text or general conversation about what they understood and please ask them to accept Christ.
2. Use as a training tool for you and or your staff.
7. Let Us know your Thoughts:
Please let us know your thoughts about this lesson. It can help us improve this lesson. Email us at tgcppresident@tgcpledge.org. Thank you and may God bless you.
Click on the below links, when you are ready to learn more about The Great Commission Pledge and to proceed to the lesson on Salvation.
The Great Comission Pledge
What About Your Salvation
Mailing Address
The Great Commission Pledge (I AM for Christ Ministries) P.O. Box 144 Groveport, Ohio 43125